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.talon Files

The primary way to extend talon is using .talon files placed in the user directory. A talon file comes in two parts: a context header defining the circumstances in which the file is active, and a body that implements various behaviors within that context. The body of a talon file can:

An example .talon file might look like this:

# Comments start with a # sign, and they must always be on their own line.
# This part, the context header, defines under which circumstances this file applies.
os: windows
os: linux
app: Slack
app: Teams
# Anything above this (single!) dash is part of the context header.
# Anything below the dash is part of the body.
# If there is no dash, then the body starts immediately.

# These define voice commands.
([channel] unread next | goneck): key(alt-shift-down)
insert code fragment:
# A single command can perform a sequence of actions.
key(left left left)
# the number of times the key should be pressed can be specified after a colon

# This activates the tag 'user.tabs'.
tag(): user.tabs

# This adjusts settings (within this file's context).
key_wait = 1.5

Context header

The context header specifies when the body of the file will be activated. That is, only when the requirements of the header are met will the settings, tags, and commands in the body be available. This enables you to specify commands and behaviour that are only available for specific windows, applications, etc.

The following requirements can be set:

os : require specific operating systems; currently either linux, mac, or windows

tag : require a specific tag

mode : only active for specific talon modes (like command, dictation, sleep et al.)

app : match applications by explicitly declared, well-known name : match applications by name (TODO where does Talon read this out?)

app.exe : match applications by executable, like /usr/lib/firefox/firefox or firefox.exe

app.bundle : match applications by their MacOS bundle, like com.mozilla.Firefox

title : match a window title

code.language : specify a currently active programming language

language : specify the particular human language (e.g. pt_BR, en) for the file. Defaults to en if not specified. Currently only needed for multilingual webspeech.

hostname : match the 'hostname' of your machine (from the hostname CLI command on Linux/Mac). Useful if you want to have a single set of custom config but have some machine-specific parts.

Additionally, you can create user scopes. scopes allow matching on additional arbitrary string information supplied by user scripts. For example you might write a scope called slack_workspace_name. You'd then be able to make .talon files that only matched a particular Slack workspace by putting a line like 'user.slack_workspace_name: Talon' in the header. See the scope concept section below for more information.

Each individual header line has the format [and] [not] <requirement or scope name>: (<literal match value> | /<regex match value>/<python regex flags>) where [] indicates an optional token, (|) indicates exclusive options, and <> a special segment. Some examples of valid lines are title: foo, title: /foo/i, and tag:, not tag: /foo/, and and not tag:

We've already indicated what requirements and scopes are, so lets move on to the matcher part (on the right of the ':'). This can either be a literal string match like title: foo (matching a window whose entire title is 'foo'), or a regular expression. The regular expression engine essentially uses the Python function to see if the value of the requirement or scope matches. So for the title: /foo/i example we'd match any window whose title had the string 'foo' in it in a case insensitive manner (due to the 'i' flag). For requirement types that have multiple values (tag and mode), Talon iterates through each active tag or mode and matches the header line if any of those match the regex or string literal.

The next thing to talk about is what happens when we have multiple lines in the context header. Talon lets you combine these together as a composite matcher following specific rules. In the following examples the comment contains an expression describing what the rule will match, e.g. paint_app or (windows and not notepad_app). In this case the expression would match the when the app paint_app is active or the operating system is windows and the app notepad_app is not active.

# paint_app or notepad_app
app: paint_app
app: notepad_app
# (paint_app or notepad_app) and windows
app: paint_app
os: windows
app: notepad_app
# (paint_app and windows) or notepad_app
app: paint_app
and os: windows
app: notepad_app
# paint_app and not windows
app: paint_app
not os: windows

So without modifiers, requirements of the same type (e.g. two apps) are OR-ed together. Requirements of different types (e.g. 'app' and 'os') are AND-ed together. The 'and' modifier looks at the previous requirement and merges with it to make a compound expession. The 'not' modifier just negates the condition.

Voice commands

A voice command has the format RULE: BODY, where RULE determines what words activate the command, and BODY defines what the command does when activated:

# -------- RULE ----------------  ------ BODY -------
([channel] unread next | goneck): key(alt-shift-down)

This command, for example, will press the shortcut alt-shift-down whenever you say either “channel unread next”, “unread next”, or “goneck”.


Rules have a versatile syntax that is like a word based regex:

| Syntax | Description | Matches | | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------------ | | foo | Words | “foo” | | [foo] | Optional | “foo” or null (nothing) | | foo* | Zero or more | “”, “foo”, “foo foo”, ... | | foo+ | One or more | “foo”, “foo foo”, ... | | foo | bar | Choice | “foo”, “bar” | | (foo) | Precedence/grouping | “foo” | | {some_list} | List | Depends on the list. | | <some_capture> | Capture | Depends on the capture. | | ^foo | Start anchor | See below | | foo$ | End anchor | See below |

Rules can be anchored or unanchored. Talon has a system that detects when a user is and isn't speaking which it uses to break up microphone input into a sequence of 'utterance blocks'. So if you said "first bit ... other ... bits" ('...' means a sufficiently long pause), then Talon might turn this into three utterance blocks: ["first bit", "other", "bits"]. Anchoring a rule requires that it occur at the start or end (or both) of an utterance block.

For example if the following command were added to the Talon Community user file set ^my command: "first" and you said "my command air bat cap" then Talon would insert "firstabc". "air bat cap my command" on the other hand would only produce "abc" (and maybe a misrecognition) because 'my command' was not at the start of your utterance. If other command$: "second" were defined and you said "air bat cap other command" you'd get "abcsecond". If you said "other command air bat cap" you'd just get "second". Because the command matched and had the $ suffix, the rest of your utterance was thrown away.

In general you shouldn't anchor rules since it prevents the user from chaining them together (like we were doing with our examples and the air bat cap commands). Aside from special circumstances you really only consider anchoring when you have a command you wouldn't chain (e.g. switching from command to dictation mode), or you really want to prevent the command from being called by accident.

Talonscript Body

The BODY part of a command is implemented in Talonscript, a simple statically typed language. We'll discuss Talonscript and how it interracts with the RULE part of the command with reference to the following .talon file:

# The following captures are implemented in the user file set:
# <user.letter> is a list mapping words like 'plex' or 'gust' to latin letters like 'x' or 'g'
# <user.number_string> is a capture mapping words like 'five' to number strings like '5'
# <digits> is a capture that maps a variable length phrase like
# "one two three" onto an integer 123
# The following list does not exist (it's made up for this example):
# {user.address_book} maps the names 'sally', 'frank' etc. to their email addresses (,

# Saying "double letter plex" presses ctrl+a then inserts "x." then "x"
double letter <user.letter>:
modified = letter + "."

# Saying "defaultable plex" inserts "x", saying "defaultable" inserts "default"
defaultable [<user.letter>]:
insert(letter or "default")

# Saying "choose plex" inserts "x", saying "choose five" inserts "5"
choose (<user.letter>|<user.number_string>):
insert(letter or number_string)

# Saying "join plex and gust" or "join plex gust" inserts "xg"
join <user.letter> [and] <user.letter>:
insert(letter_1 + letter_2)

# Saying "add one two three and four five six" inserts "579"
add <digits> and <digits>:
insert(digits_1 + digits_2)

# Saying "insert lots plex gust plex" inserts "['x', 'g', 'x']"
insert lots <user.letter>+:

# Saying "type email sally" inserts ""
# Lists can be used in exactly the same way as captures
type email {user.address_book}:

In the above we can see that the lists and captures in the rule part are bound to variables in the Talonscript based on the name of the list/capture. If we use the same lists/capture in a rule multiple times then each use gets a corresponding _1, _2 suffix. If we make a list/capture optional then we have to handle the case where it isn't included using "or". Similarly if we have a choice of matches we have to handle the cases where the alternative was picked. Finally, if we match multiple captures/lists (e.g. with '+'), then we can refer to the lot of them with the _list suffix. Individual items from the multiple match can be referred to with the _1, _2 suffix as well.

In terms of the Talonscript itself, the syntax can be thought of as a very limited subset of Python. Consider the following file which (as of writing) demonstrates all available syntax. See the inline comments for what everything does:

# Comments must be on their own line (optionally preceeded by whitespace)
some [<user.letter>] command:
# or operator is used to deal with optional or alternative command parts. It works as the null
# coalescing operator, not like boolean or.
letter_defaulted = letter or "default"

# Local variable assignment
a = 2.2
b = "foo"
c = "interpolate the {letter_defaulted} and {b} variables into the string"
c = """
multiline string
# Only a single mathematical operation per line
d = 2
a = a + d
a = a - d
a = a * d
a = a / d
a = a % d

# Sleep is a built in function and takes arguments of the (<float>|<integer><suffix>) form.
# Float allows specifying (fractions) of a second. The <integer><suffix> form can be '1m', '5s', '500ms', '1000000us' etc.
# Be aware sleeping in this way will prevent Talon from processing voice commands until the
# sleep is over

# Repeats the previous line the given number of times, so in this case we'd sleep for a further 4 seconds

# The key() action. Allows pressing, holding, and repeating individual key presses.
# See the "key() action" wiki page for more details

insert("type in this literal string")
auto_insert("process this string with the auto_format action, then type it in with insert()")

# Stylistically we only recommend the following shorthand if it is the only action being
# performed by the command.
"type in this string using auto_insert()"
type in this
string using auto_insert()

# Call built in or user defined actions
app.notify("show this in a notification balloon")

Tags, settings, and other capabilities

.talon files can do a few other things aside from defining voice commands.

The most common usage after voice commands is to adjust settings. The following changes the given setting values when the context header matches:

title: /my app/
some.setting = 123

another.setting = 432

You can also activate tags. This snippet activates the user.my_tag tag when the context header matches. This is used reasonably often to enable extra sets of voice commands for the given context.

title: /my app/
tag(): user.my_tag

Another feature is the ability to bind keyboard shortcuts.

title: /my app/
# Show notification saying the key was pressed and prevent other apps from receiving the key event
key(f8): app.notify("f8 key pressed")

# One or more modifiers can be used with the matcher
key(ctrl-shift-alt-super-f8): app.notify("Lots of modifiers and the f8 key pressed. Note that alt is option on Mac. Use cmd modifier on Mac to use the apple key in a shortcut.")

key(f9:passive): app.notify("f9 pressed, and we won't stop any other apps from receiving the key")
key(f9:up): app.notify("show this balloon when the f9 key is released")

The list of available keys you can listen to isn't well defined, but it is likely a subset of the names on the key() action wiki page.

Aside from these, additional extra capabilities may be added from time to time. For example in the beta version you can currently define rules for matching facial expressions on OSX and user supplied noises (e.g. a whistle sound) via integration with

Built in Talon settings

In a .talon file, a settings() block can be used to alter settings, both for Talon and for user modules. For example:

app: Emacs
key_wait = 1.5

will set the key_wait setting to 1.5 whenever the current application is emacs.

The remainder of this page describes various important settings that you might want to meddle with.

The following three settings, insert_wait, key_hold, and key_wait, can be used to slow down keypresses when dealing with applications that are behaving unreliably (e.g., key presses seem to be jumbled or dropped).

insert_wait : Increase this if characters seem to be jumbled in a specific app when typing whole sentences. Default is 0.

key_hold : Increase this if you're playing a game and some keys aren't registering at all. You should probably increase it in 16ms increments, e.g. set it to 16ms or 32ms.

key_wait : Increase this if modifier keys are getting dropped or if key presses are misbehaving even with the other two settings (insert_wait and key_hold) tuned. key_wait should be the last resort because it results in the the slowest overall keypress rate. Default is 1.0 in milliseconds.

speech.engine : Determines which speech engine talon uses to recognize input. This is useful for configuring dictation mode to use a different speech engine; for example, 'webspeech'. See speech recognition engines.

speech.timeout : This determines how long a pause Talon waits for before deciding you've finished speaking and interpreting what you've just said as a sequence of commands. This parameter is generally very important; for example, it determines the the amount of time you can pause between saying 'phrase' and the following phrase.

It is measured in seconds; the default is 0.150, i.e. 150 milliseconds. It has been mentioned in #beta that this setting may not always be available as it was offered as a quick fix in Talon 1283 for Talon 1274 cutting input off too soon sometimes.